brickies loam

Sand is a very versatile material used in the construction and trade industry , not all sand is same the same and choosing the right sand for your project can make a massive difference

Sand for laying bricks and concrete blocks

When laying bricks or concrete blocks a fine "loamy" sand is required. A fine sand allows small adjustments to joint heights to achieve level brickwork, we recommend our Brickies Loam  as it has a desired "loamy" texture but some brick layers do use our Gold Coast Sand and Pit Sand. Our White Sand when used with White Cement will provide a white mortar joint.

Sand for tile screeds

When tiling, a screed is often used to achieve desired heights on uneven or low floors. A screed is a mixture of Medium River Sand, Cement and water, this is spread out evenly and screened off to a level height to then be used as a substrate for tiles or various flooring systems. A course sand is required as it provides a strong base whilst allow a thickness down to 5mm which a traditional concrete would not be able to do due to the larger aggregate size. We offer a more DIY ready mixed Traditional Tile Screed for a more consistent mix.

Sand for drainage

Sand can be used in various drainage applications such as Plumbing (poly pipe), Electrical (below ground conduit) and Landscaping (planter boxes and paving). A fine sand such as Gold Coast Sand or Pit Sand is ideal for conduit and poly pipe while a Coarse Bedding Sand  is recommend for under paving and planter box drainage. All our sands are high quality washed natural sands, this is extremely important in planter box drainage as manufactured or recycled sands can greatly affect the PH of planter box soil when used together.

Sand for rendering

Whilst the render industry has moved over to bagged Render products there is still instances for sand and cement mix applications, we recommend our Gold Coast Sand. 

Sand for playgrounds

We recommend our Pit Sand or White Sand for playground applications. For Schools or Kindy's a Certified "Soft Landing Sand" is often required. This is an special order product and can be ordered by calling our staff on 3353 3566